Engineers Australia Approved CDR Report Samples

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CDR Samples

CDR Report samples we offer here are only for reference purposes. Though, you can find a CDR Sample for any of the Engineering disciplines from us, we strictly advice against copying and pasting any material from it in the final Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) you submit to Engineers Australia (EA) when you apply for skilled migration visa. Plagiarism is strictly looked down by EA. To know more about it, refer to our CDR Plagiarism Checking and Removal services.


Nazir Hassan reviewed CDRReport:

Coming from Bangladesh, I had limited understanding of mandates and guidelines for CDR writing. And, same held true for Australian English. Many of my colleagues suggested taking professional help and a few months down the line, here I am with a positive CDR assessment. Thanks to
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CDRReport has a team of experienced engineers and professional writers who assist candidates prepare their CDR on a regular basis and hence, are in a position to offer you any number of Free CDR Samples that have won positive assessment by EA. You can look at the CDR sample Engineers Australia accepted earlier to see how the EA guidelines need to be implemented in the report.

Do note that the Free Sample CDR Report we offer you might already be in the EA database as it is part of the CDR writing projects we have done for our clients earlier.

In the sample CDR below, you will find that it is written on the basis of the latest Migration Skills Assessment (MSA) booklet which is published by the EA from time-to-time and lists the competencies Engineers Australia is looking for. It consists of a Sample CPD, a Sample Career Episode, and a Sample Summary Statement.

Engineering disciplines for which you can request complete CDR samples for Engineers Australia from us are:

Mechanical Engineer – ANZSCO Code: 233512

Electrical Engineer – ANZSCO Code: 233311

Electronics Engineer – ANZSCO Code: 233411

Chemical Engineer – ANZSCO Code: 233111

Telecommunications Engineer – ANZSCO Code: 263311

Aeronautical Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 233911

Biomedical Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 233913

Civil Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 233211

Electrical Engineering Draftsperson – ANZSCO CODE: 312311

Engineering Manager – ANZSCO CODE: 133211

Engineering Technologist – ANZSCO CODE: 233914

Environmental Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 233915

Geotechnical Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 233212

Industrial Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 233511

Materials Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 233112

Mining Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 233611

Naval Architect – ANZSCO CODE: 233916

Petroleum Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 233612

Production Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 233513

Structural Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 233214

Telecom Network Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 263312

Transport Engineer – ANZSCO CODE: 233215

Since the sample Competency Demonstration Report, we offer to you have been assessed positively by EA, it means that they worked for engineers from these disciplines who wanted to migrate to Australia and be eligible to work there. These were the people who were able to get their Visa 189 or Visa 190 or Visa 489 (according to the class for which they applied) based on the CDR we prepare for them.

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